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Worship is the most important thing we as God's children do.  Gathering together with one another is also critically important.  We are also commissioned by Christ to share the Gospel Message with others so they can be connect to Christ with us.  Therefore Concord is committed to connecting with God, each other, and helping others connect with God!
Connecting with God
Worship is a time for us to connect to God via our priase and thanksgiving, prayer, and focusing on the scriptures.  Even though worship is primarily God directed, the worshiper also is blessed.  Our prayer is that all that gather for worship may find a connectedness with God.  
    9:30am Worship Service: 
    Service includes: prayer, scripture, spoken messages for all ages, weekly communion, hymns and special music.
    Nursery care is offered for infants, although children of all ages are always welcome to participate fully in worship
    at Concord.
    10:45am Sunday School: 
    A variety of classes are offered for children and adults
Connecting with Each Other
In gathering together we are able to get to know one another, share joys and concerns, provide support and care, hold ourselves accountable, and celebrate life events together.  We believe that we were not created to "do" life alone, but rather we are intended to "do" life connected with one another.
There are many ways that Concord is intentional about being connected with each other.  One way is through our fellowship - with coffee, juice, and donuts - following worship every Sunday.  Throughout the year there are also opportunities to connect via meals, special programs, and events.
Connecting Others with God
We believe that the best way to help others to become connected to God is to bear witness of God's love in all areas and moments of our lives - to the best our abilities.  It is our hope and prayer that all people will find in us the love, acceptance, grace, and care that Jesus shares with us.

Concord United Methodist Church

1123 S. Main Street

Englewood, OH 45322

(937) 836-3773

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