What to EXPECT at Concord!
We want you to feel at home when you're with us. So come as you are. As a first time guest, you won't be singled out or asked to do anything embarrassing. We'll be on hand to answer any questions you have but we'll also respect your right to be left alone.
That said... we'd love to get to know you and know that you were with us for worship. So, if you don't mind, please fill out the Visitor Card available in the Sanctuary and place it in the offering basket as they are passed.
What to Wear
We want you to be comfortable and wear whatever you choose. At Concord you will find suits to shorts, dress shoes to flip-flops - however casual is the norm.
Infants & Children
The youngest of the family members are always welcome in worship. We do provide quality nursery care for infants up to 4 years old. We also offer a children's spiritual growth opportunity at during our 9:30am service after the "Time with Young Disciples".
Fellowship Time
Throughout Sunday morning the Concord family gathers for fellowship with one another. This is a great time to become connected with the Concord family.