Music Ministries
Concord has a long history of musical excellence and values the contribution of music to the worship service. Here we celebrate all kinds and genres of music within worship from bluegrass to Handel. Our services include hymn singing along with our 1960's Schantz Pipe Organ, centering our hearts by listening to the grand piano, and praising God through more contemporary songs played by our Worship Band! Whatever instruments we play or songs we sing, we always seek to glorify God! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Chancel Choir
The choir is on a temporary break. We are seeking a servant leader to direct the choir. If you would like to learn more about this ministry opportunity, please contact the Lead Pastor.
Special Music
If you're a soloist or have a special musical offering that you'd like to offer in worship, we're always on the look out for people to use their gifts.
Sound & Media
If you're a tech person and love to work with electronics and computers, we are always in need of people to run the sound board and media on Sunday mornings. If interested, contact Pastor Angela for more information.